Friday, November 12, 2010

Lake State Capital Management, LLC

We at Lake State Capital Management (LSCM) would like to welcome you to our blog.  Besides being able to find information on our investment club, we will also dive into our current members, updates to the club and possibly various stock tips if we feel so inclined.  To start things off, LSCM is made up of 11 fine young whipper-snappers, all with the knack for investing.  The common factor among us partners is Bethel University, located in St. Paul, MN.  We have all attended this great establishment and a number of us have received our Bachelor degrees from there as well.  Most of us have Business degrees, with varying emphases in marketing, finance, accounting, HR, and others.  Whether it was having a class together, rooming with through college, or knowing each other for 10 plus years, LSCM brings all of us beer drinking, cigar smoking investors together.

As previously mentioned, LSCM is an investment club.  With the help of various online resources, we have a number of guidelines and rules found in our Bylaws that we follow so things stay in order.  Within all of the Partners, there are elected officers filling the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, and Broker Liason.  We are a matter of days away from being registered with the government and officially becoming a Limited Liability Company.  A lot of leg work has been done leading up to this point, so it is very exciting to see the work put in start to pay off.

LSCM is just shy of two months in the making and have big plans for the future.  This will be a long term investment club, looking years into the future as we grow.  Our current meeting place is near the residence of the President in the recently built Man Cave.  This provides a very comfortable environment with limited distractions for us to conduct our business (as well as winding down after work is done).  We have been meeting every other week in order to reach our launch date of 1/1/2011. 

During our initial meeting, a significant of time was spent deciding which name would best represent us.  With everything from funny names to insanely inappropriate acronyms, we settled on Lake State Capital Management.  Besides the obvious managing capital bit, we needed something recognizable in our name.  We are based in the Minneapolis region in the state of 10,000 lakes, thus Lake State was born.

The idea of starting an investment club came from our now elected President, Ben Turnwall.  His father had been a part of an investment club in his younger years and enjoyed everything he got out of the club.  Ben had shared his idea between friends over the years but it wasn’t until a few months ago that things really started to take off.  The idea of an investment club was not only very enticing for us, but also is a great opportunity to learn investing for those of us that are not too familiar with it (not to mention the idea of making large sums of cash always helps ).  Besides all of us being extraordinarily handsome gentlemen, we are young and can handle the risk of investing in our early years.

Thank you for checking out our blog and we welcome you to follow along as Lake State Capital Management propels itself in the future.

-LSCM Partners

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